Artists Among Poets
In this course, we will explore connections between the visual arts and poetry of last 125 years in order to develop our metaphoric and image-making abilities, to advance our reading and writing skills, and to learn to critique our own and others’ work.
Introduction to Poetry as Visual
The Pilgrim is Bridled and Bespectacled-Bridget Lowe
Kenneth Patchen
It happens that very often my writing with pen is interrupted by my writing with brush, but I think of both as writing. In other words, I don’t consider myself a painter. I think of myself as someone who has used the medium of painting in an attempt to extend.
Words and Images -Four Central Questions
~Do period terms, such as "Surrealists" or "Modernism," mean the same thing in literature and the visual arts?
~Can one usefully apply terms developed to describe technique, such as "texture," "structure," or "narrative," in one art to another art form or medium?
~How do images, symbols, and motifs work differently in visual and verbal arts?
~How do twentieth century multimedia art forms differ from twenty-first-century ones?

Mike Goldberg
Nude Descending a Staircase - Marcel Duchamp

Rene Magritte - The Betrayal of Images